Opposite Sides of the Same Coin: Legend by Marie Lu

A couple years ago, I read the Legend series, and I was immediately hooked.

Image result for legend by marie lu

Legend is a dystopian book, like The Hunger GamesDivergentThe Maze Runner, etc., that takes place in what was once known at the United States. What was once one whole country, is now two separate nations that are constantly at war.

Image result for united states outline

The book’s point of view changes between two characters, Day and June, who both live in the Republic in an area that was once known as California,  are both on opposite sides of the economy.

June is a child prodigy who was born to to a very wealthy family. She is fifteen years old, and is attending one of the countries top schools, to help groom her for her very bright future.

Day, on the other hand, is living in slums. Not only is he the country’s most wanted criminal, but, unknown to the public, day is only a 15 year old boy.

Living in ghetto has more down sides than first thought- a deadly plague is making its way across the nation, and every day, Day worries that someone in his family will be the next one to have it.

When Day’s little brother comes down with the plague, Day knows that he doesn’t have many options left, and when he hears about a supposed plague, he knows that he has to get it to save his family.

Not only does Day fail to procure the cure, he also gets framed for a murder he didn’t commit. The guard that they think he murdered is named Metais, and he is no random officer.

He is June’s older brother, and June in not about to let this crime go unpunished. But in their journey, Day and June learn startling truths that about their country, and they earn just how far the Republic will go to keep these secrets secret.

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Personally, this is one of my favorite books, and I liked it even more than Divergent and Maze Runner. The characters are much more lively, and the story is more developed.

For years I have hoped that this book would be made into a movie. I think that it is so much better than some of the other books that have been made into movies, and I know that one day it will be.

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(4 1/2 book worms)

– bookworm727

p.s., What books do you think should be made into movies? What books that were made into movies do you wish were not movies? Do you think that any book to screen adaptations were better than the book?(I think Mockingjay and The Fifth Wave)

3 thoughts on “Opposite Sides of the Same Coin: Legend by Marie Lu

  1. This looks interesting! I think it’s cool that the book changes between the point of view of someone who is at the bottom and someone who is at the top.
    I think I might have to go check out the Legend trilogy!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I loved this series so much but, if I hadn’t I would definitely read it after reading this post! The idea of taking place in a “previous United States of America” really catches my attention and makes this book different from others.


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